Quick Start

sec3 X-ray scanner software is a security scanner specifically designed for Solana smart contracts.

sec3 X-ray can detect more than 50 types of security vulnerabilities and can be integrated into the GitHub CI development process.

Integrating sec3 X-ray into your protocol's development process can shift security practices left, reduce costly security issues, and speed up time-to-market.

sec3 X-ray has been adopted at leading Solana Protocols; try it out today!

sec3 X-ray offers a number of features:

  • It detects 50+ types of common security vulnerabilities in Solana smart contracts, including both Rust-native and Anchor-based programs. See a partial list of the “sec3 Vulnerabilities and Exposures (SVE)”.

  • It is integrated into GitHub CI and code scanning alerts.

  • It issues a certificate when no vulnerabilities are found in the program

  • It provides a dashboard to navigate the reported vulnerabilities

  • It is fast: it generates a full report in a few minutes for complex programs.

  • It is available 24/7

Getting Started

1. Sign up:

Go to https://pro.sec3.dev

2. Create and run tasks

3. View reports

4. Upgrade to a paid plan

The free plan has limited features (e.g., it detects only a subset of the 50+ SVEs). To upgrade, choose a Build or Scale plan and fill in payment info (either by card or US bank account).

5. Download SARIF report

sec3 X-ray also generates a SARIF report of the results, which can be downloaded from the dashboard.

Last updated